29,04,000 LPA
Highest Package
20,40,433 LPA
Average top 15
18,17,220 LPA
Average top 25
14,81,349 LPA
Average top 25
Latest Ranking
The Week-Hansa Research National Survey 2024 recently ranked the Top B-schools of India after conducting a survey involving multiple stakeholders like academic experts, current students, aspiring students and recruiters from all major cities in India.
The ranking considered a perpetual Score as well as factual score based on the following parameters.
- Age and infrastructure
- Faculty and teaching
- Research and Innovation
- Entry standard
- Placements
- Alumni base
The survey and ranking placed especial emphasis on Placements and Entry Standards.
Symbiosis Institute of Digital & Telecom Management secured an overall ranking of 32 amongst 1300 eligible colleges and an impressive 21st rank among the Top Private B-schools in India.
Here is a snapshot of the rankings
Symbiosis Institute of Digital & Telecom Management secured an overall ranking of 33 amongst 1300 eligible colleges and an impressive 20 rank amongst the Top Private B-schools in India.
Here is a snapshot of the rankings
Top B-Schools
Top B-Schools
West Zone
Top Private B-Schools
All India
Curriculum / VAP
Systems & Finance
- IT Strategy
- Telecom Networks Management
- Convergence of Telecom Networks
- Network Design
- Mobile Operating Systems and Applications
- IT Service Management
Analytics & Finance
- R Programming
- Database Technologies
- Data Mining
- Visual Analytics
- Social Media Analytics
- Telecom Analytics
- Advanced Big Data Analytics
- Predictive Analytics
Marketing & Finance
- Consumer Behaviour
- Brand Management
- Sales Force and Channel Management
- Customer Relation Management
- Integrated Marketing Communication
- Marketing Simulation
- Supply Chain Management
SIDTM (Formerly SITM) boasts of an illustrious sporting tradition alongside its excellence in education. SIDTM (Formerly SITM) has state-of-the- art sporting facilities and a strong student base interested in Sporting activities. Students at SIDTM (Formerly SITM) maintain a healthy balance between study and sports life.
At SIDTM (Formerly SITM), we believe that when you exercise your body, you exercise your mind as well. A wide variety of indoor and outdoor sports facilities are available to the SIDTM (Formerly SITM) students so as to ensure an all-round development.
Outdoor facilities
- Flood lit Synthetic Basketball court
- Flood lit Cricket Ground
- Flood lit Football Ground
- Flood lit Volleyball Court Swimming Pool
Indoor facilities
- 2 Badminton Courts
- 4 Table Tennis Tables
- Chess
- Carrom
- Fitness Center
- Yoga Center
- Zumba Center
- Snooker Table
The Grudge Championship
Grudge Championship is one of the most energetic and fun filled event at the Institute, which helps the students in honing their managerial skills and inculcates team spirit and leadership. An event which is played between 12 teams, owned by 12 students, who are elected by voting. Owners then can buy players in the Open Auction process conducted and organised by Sports Cell. Each team appoints a Team Manager, Finance Manager and an Ambassador to assist their run to the Ultimate Glory.
The event comprises various Sports like Badminton,Volleyball, Cricket, Tug of War etc.(Sports are added and reduced as per the convenience and availability of the facilities) This tournament is indeed worth remembering as all the faculty members (Staff and non-staff) actively participate and enjoy, proving that age is no bar